About the Book
Becoming a Christian
is the best--and worst--thing that has ever happened to Sarah Hollenbeck.
Up to now, Sarah Hollenbeck made her very comfortable living as a well-known, bestselling author of steamy romance novels that would leave the members of her new church blushing. Now she's trying to reconcile her past with the future she's chosen. She's still under contract with her publisher and on the hook with her enormous fan base for the kind of book she's not sure she can write anymore. She's discovering that the church might frown on her tithing on royalties from a "scandalous" book. And the fact that she's falling in love with her pastor . . . well, let's just say that doesn't make things any easier.
With a powerful voice, penetrating insight, and plenty of humor, novelist Bethany Turner explodes onto the scene with a witty debut that isn't afraid to deal with the thorny realities of living the Christian life.
"The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck is a rare treat packed with humor, hope, and heart. Sarah's struggles are real and nearly tangible, and she feels like a friend we've all had. I laughed with her and fell in love alongside her and couldn't wait to hear her whole story. What a charming, delightful book!"--Liz Johnson, bestselling author of The Red Door Inn
Up to now, Sarah Hollenbeck made her very comfortable living as a well-known, bestselling author of steamy romance novels that would leave the members of her new church blushing. Now she's trying to reconcile her past with the future she's chosen. She's still under contract with her publisher and on the hook with her enormous fan base for the kind of book she's not sure she can write anymore. She's discovering that the church might frown on her tithing on royalties from a "scandalous" book. And the fact that she's falling in love with her pastor . . . well, let's just say that doesn't make things any easier.
With a powerful voice, penetrating insight, and plenty of humor, novelist Bethany Turner explodes onto the scene with a witty debut that isn't afraid to deal with the thorny realities of living the Christian life.
"The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck is a rare treat packed with humor, hope, and heart. Sarah's struggles are real and nearly tangible, and she feels like a friend we've all had. I laughed with her and fell in love alongside her and couldn't wait to hear her whole story. What a charming, delightful book!"--Liz Johnson, bestselling author of The Red Door Inn
Welcome to Bookworm Mama, Bethany! I am so honored to have you here today!
I’m thrilled to be here, Rachel! I am definitely a Bookworm Mama
reader and fan!
Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc.
come from?

Rachel: Wait! What? You are going to leave us hanging like that? But I DO see how those 2 can be inspiring haha! Fiiiiiiiiiine, I guess we will move on to the next question....
When did you KNOW that you wanted to be an author?
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Bethany: Well, doggone. It goes back to Stamos and Clooney, so I guess I’ll
Rachel: Oh good! I thought I was going to have to tackle you for an explanation!
Bethany: In second grade I wrote an essay about John Stamos that won a
state-level award. That stuck with me through my life, because this was a
serious essay contest, and I wrote about Uncle Jesse…and was rewarded for it! And
then I cast George Clooney as a character in the first thing I wrote as an
adult. Well, he was one celebrity among many, actually. It was as if I was
finally watering the seeds that had been planted in the second grade. It was
okay to be quirky and pop culture-driven, and to deal with serious things in a
fun way. When I wrote, it was okay to be myself. I guess I’ve known that since
the second grade, but it probably wasn’t until I wrote The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck that I finally understood how
powerful that could be. And once I understood that, well…I was hooked.
Rachel: Oh my goodness! That is AMAZING! I love when things in our childhood stick with us and continue to inspire us throughout our lives. What an accomplishment! And Clooney...I mean, who WOULDN'T want him as a character in their book? Hehe!
What literary character is most like you? Why?
Bethany: Oh, this is going to sound so driven by self-promotion, but the
honest answer is Sarah Hollenbeck! We’re in such different places along our
faith journeys – Sarah is a new Christian in her mid-thirties, while I grew up
in a Christ-honoring home and was saved at age eight – but personality-wise she
is so me. Even as a thirty-year Christian, I can only accurately quote six or
seven Bible verses, but I can name the entire cast of every Robert Redford
movie, and recite every single word of You’ve
Got Mail. That’s so Sarah! And like Sarah, I am self-doubt dressed in
bravado’s clothing. I think there are probably a lot of us who can identify
with Sarah in that way.
Rachel: You write what you know right? Personally I LOVE seeing an author's quirks and personality bleed onto the page. The book is a part of them. How appropriate to have the characters reflect the soul of the one who penned it?
Bethany: It all started with a “What if…?” What if someone who was known
for something pretty salacious made the decision to turn her life over to God.
And not just turn it over. Do a complete 180 in her life. And from there the
goals and intentions made themselves known organically over time. I wanted to
talk about sex, from a Christian standpoint. I wanted things to get more difficult for Sarah after
salvation, not less difficult. Better, but not easier. And I wanted Sarah to
face challenges from both the secular world (because they didn’t understand her
after she became a Christ-follower) and the church world (because they didn’t
accept her and her past). Because all of that is reality.
Rachel: Ah! *resists the urge to drop everything and start reading this book* While I can't personally relate to Sarah in that way (being the lifelong Christian that I am), I know that life ain't all cupcakes and rainbows. It is a hard path to walk. Especially if you are trying to break away from everything that people have labeled you as your whole life.
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What type of research was involved for The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck?
Bethany: Let’s see… I listened to “Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks over
and over again, until I had a clear image of Stevie twirling away as the devil
on Sarah’s shoulder. And I watched a clip of “Touched by an Angel” on YouTube
so that I had a good sense of what I thought Roma Downey would say as the angel
on the other shoulder. I re-watched all of the Rocky movies, until I knew which one would be Ben’s favorite. And…well,
no…that’s about it!
Rachel: I say that's gotta be some pretty good inspiration there! I have to admit I have only seen the first Rocky movie, but my sister...has seen them ALL, multiple times haha!
Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were
influential in your work? What impact have they had on your writing?
![Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination by [Fielding, Helen]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41NXvGoOwfL.jpg)
What hidden talents do you have?
Bethany: See, that’s a tough one for me. I’m the type of person who, if I
have a talent, I’m going to make sure everyone knows it! Nothing hidden here,
folks! But I can sing “Something There” from Beauty & the Beast by myself. Belle, the Beast, Mrs. Potts,
Chip, Lumiere, Cogsworth…everybody. And never miss a word. (I do have to cheat
on the harmonies a bit, of course.) Does that count?
Rachel: YES! That most definitely counts! I.ADORE.THIS.STORY! And that is impressive!
What are you reading right now? What made you
pick it up?
![Life After: A Novel by [Ganshert, Katie]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51PFFsZndRL.jpg)
![Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by [Acuff, Jon]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51jopG-8I2L._SY346_.jpg)
Bethany: I usually have a fiction and a nonfiction read going at the same time, and right now is no exception. I’m reading Katie Ganshert’s Life After, which I picked up because of all of the wonderful things I heard about it from, well…basically everyone. Her writing is absolutely exquisite. I am reading it very slowly – partially because life has been so busy, but also because writing that good should be savored. And then I just started Jon Acuff’s Finish. I picked that one up because Jon Acuff is hilarious and insightful, and I love to start things. Finishing is a bit more difficult for me, for various reasons. I’m hoping Jon will use his hilarious, insightful brilliance to help me get better at that. (I’m realizing too late how funny it would have been to not finish that answer…)
Rachel: Oh I would have laughed so hard! Let's just hope you finish the book right? I NEED to read Life After so bad! I adore Katie!!!
Bethany: I don’t know how unusual it is, but I know I sure get funny looks
from my husband when he walks into the room and I am sitting in my chair with
headphones on, having an entire silent conversation, all by myself. I’m
constantly trying out the dialogue that I write, but not just the words. Facial
expressions, body language and all. I need to know that it’s realistic and
natural. But I’m sure it looks ridiculous when you walk in during the middle of
Rachel: Hahaha! I LOVE it! While I personally don't consider it strange, I am sure it looks hilarious!
What writing advice do you have for pre-published authors?
Bethany: Know the rules, but don’t be limited by the rules. I wrote this
story not having read a single Christian romance in my life. I wrote this story
not having sat through a single writing class or seminar or webinar in my life.
Now, I’m not recommending that. Now I’m reading all I can and learning all I
can, and continually trying to improve. But sometimes God wants us to be the
lump of clay He can mold. He wants to use us because we don’t know what we’re doing, and because it’s different from the norm. God led me to leave my
successful career in banking, and then I wrote this story in six weeks, start
to finish. I didn’t have an agent, but I submitted to Writer’s Edge, and
thirteen days after Writer’s Edge accepted the manuscript, I was contacted by
Revell. That’s not the way it normally goes. And trust me…I’m not taking credit
for that. That is all God. So, yes…work
hard, learn lots, steel yourself for rejection, go to conferences, read
everything you can. But just don’t lose sight of the fact that sometimes God
uses the boy taking sandwiches to his brothers in the field, or the girl who doesn’t
want to be queen, or the woman who stays loyal to her mother-in-law. Just pray
that God will use you, and trust Him to do it the way He knows is best.
Rachel: I LOVE this and I think it's safe to say, that we can apply this to all areas of our lives. What an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness in your life! WOW! Someone recently said to me, "God will be responsible for the consequences of your obedience." And I couldn't agree more!
Before we go can you tell us about your current WIP?
Bethany: I would love to! It’s a Christian romance (not quite rom-com, but
pretty doggone witty…if I do say so myself!) about a politician whose career is
at its peak until a scandal breaks, which basically destroys his White
House-sized aspirations in an instant. His best hope at public redemption
involves going back to the hometown that he left in disgrace years earlier.
Unfortunately for him, the girl he left behind (and left at the altar) is also
back in town. And now she’s ex-CIA, and not inclined to put up with any funny
business. So that’s what I’m working on at the moment, but I honestly have no
clue if that will be the next book published. We shall see!
Rachel: Oooooh! This sounds awesome! Is it bad that I find political drama entirely intriguing? And a former CIA agent, person, thingy...oh YES PLEASE!!!! EEEEEP!
Thank you so much for joining us today Bethany, I can
not wait to dive into The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck!
Bethany: Thank you! It was an honor to be here, Rachel. Thanks for all you do to
spread the word about Christian fiction!
About the Author
Bethany Turner is
the director of administration for Rock Springs Church in Southwest Colorado. A
former VP/operations manager of a commercial bank and a three-time cancer
survivor (all before she turned 35), Bethany knows that when God has plans for
your life, it doesn't matter what anyone else has to say. Because of that,
she's chosen to follow his call to write. She lives with her husband and their
two sons in Colorado, where she writes for a new generation of readers who
crave fiction that tackles the thorny issues of life with humor and insight.
Her new release, a Christian rom-com for Revell entitled The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck, is available now.
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