You’ve got life upgrades in spades: Whether taking steps into parenthood or taking steps into a new place to call home, there’s a lot going on. Why not upgrade your dishwasher detergent with Cascade® Platinum™ ActionPacs™? With 3X more film-fighting power, better grease cleaning abilities and rinse aid action powered by Shine Shield, these tough-on-grime dishwasher packs make it easy to clean even the hardiest stains. Formulated with the grease-fighting power of Dawn®, ActionPacs™ clean tough food stains better than six bargain brand detergent packs combined. That’s why it’s the #1 recommended detergent by North American dishwasher manufacturers.
My Thoughts

clean. I had a 9"x13" glass pan that I let the food dry onto and didn't rinse it off before putting it in the dishwasher. Even then, it came out pretty clean, there were just a few marks here and there that needed a little extra help. Glasses came out of the dishwasher clear and shiny. No film. Utensils were cleaned better than usual. All our plastic containers, glass bowls and glass plates were spotless every load. We did rinse most of the dishes to get the excess food off, but did not scrub them clean first. The pacs are easy to use and very convenient. I will be looking for them in store on our next shopping trip for sure!