About the Book
Three couples. Three countries. One War...
On August 5th 1914, the world changed forever. For John and Beth Young, it meant the happiness they finally achieved was snatched out from under them. For Emma Cote, it meant that her husband Jared would do his duty, despite her feelings. For Christy Simmons it meant an uncertain future with the boy she loved. The lives of six people, spread across the British Empire to America were changed forever.
When John, Jared and Will find themselves thrust together in France and Emma and Christy decide to seek out their missing husbands, the lives of these three families intertwine in ways that none of them could possibly have imagined. Working together in a field hospital, Emma and Christy learn to rely on and protect each other. Lost together in a strange forest and cut off from their unit, the three soldiers run and hide.
But the further they go, the more they realize that the chances of all of them making it out unscathed are nonexistent and Emma and Christy find that blood is not easy to wash off, but no friendship is stronger than that made during times of war, sacrifice and healing.
Welcome to Bookworm Mama, Erica! I am so honored to have you here today!
While I have not read The Lost Generation YET...I am so excited to have Erica Marie Hogan sharing a little bit about the story, Julie Lessman, and BAKING! Mmmmm....now, read on while I go make a batch of brownies!
Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?
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Rachel: Pepper Basham! Eeeep! (I admit to being unashamedly biased) I also adore Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty! My two favorite! (I think I am going to like you!)
When did you KNOW that you wanted to be an author?
Erica: When I was ten-years-old. I spent a lot of time recreating stories that had already been told, which gave me a little peek into my own imagination. It made me realize I wanted to write my own stories, create my own characters, and come up with my own happily ever after.
Rachel: This is beautiful! Imagination is a beautiful thing. I am so glad you followed through with your dream. Such an encouragement.
What literary character is most like you? Why?
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Rachel: Everyone says this is a hard one...Haha! Oooooh, this is a good one! I do love Persuasion. (Yup, it is decided, I like you!)
Can you share some something interesting you learned while researching for The Lost Generation?
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Rachel: Oh my goodness! I had no idea. WWI was a whole new arena for the world. It is so good to hear the encouraging stories of bravery that came out of it all. I really enjoyed the show on PBS Crimson Field. It is about a field hospital in WWI. I learned a lot (and researched a lot) from watching it.
Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were influential in your work? What impact have they had on your writing?
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Rachel: OH MY, YES! (where is my fan??? Julie knocks it out of the park with romance!) I am so glad that Christian Fiction is turning in the direction of keeping things real! And love, is so important!
What secret talents do you have?
Erica: Secret talents … that’s a good question! I am a pretty good baker, something that always seems to surprise people since I’m often glued to my computer writing.
Rachel: Reader friends....now you know why I am off baking brownies...I love baking, cooking, food....haha!
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Erica: At the moment I’m reading Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. The concept of someone being allergic to the outside world caught my attention and held on until I had no choice but to read the book! I’m always looking for new and unique books and this one seemed to have that written all over it.
Rachel: Eeeeee! I have seasonal allergies...but WOW! Now I am intrigued! Thank you! *adds to TBR planet that is threatening to topple over and crush me*
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Erica: I think my habits are pretty normal. I do have the tendency to write scenes in the middle, or the end, of my book before I actually start with Chapter One. I’m also in the habit of rereading scenes at least three times before moving on with my book, just to be certain it’s the way I want it to be before I continue.
Rachel: Have I mentioned that I really like you? I do this with my blog posts...(yes, even this interview) I like to call it scatterbrained OCD.
What writing advice do you have for pre-published authors?
Erica: I think the best advice I could give would be the advice given to me. Read, read, and read some more! If you have writer’s block, read a good book. Sometimes, stepping away from your story and your characters is the best thing you could do to move forward. Get your name out there too! It’s not easy, trust me I know. But if you let people know that you have this gift, you’ll gain interest long before you get published. One way of gaining that attention would be to join a good group like American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and start a blog. This will give potential readers a chance to check out your writing skill and joining the group will help you improve and grow in your talent.
Rachel: My favorite thing to do! READ! (Hopefully your book soon!!!!) A fresh perspective is always helpful. And community...is ESSENTIAL! LOVE this!
Can you tell us what is up next for you?

Rachel: I really enjoy authors who can seamlessly cross genres (*ahem* Pepper Basham, Julie Lessman...to name a few). It gives a whole new perspective to their writing. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
I am so excited about reading The Lost Generation! I don't typically read book descriptions, but this one really grabbed my attention. It is amazing how God directs our paths. Giving us opportunities that we may never have come across if certain things didn't happen to us. And while these things often are devastating and heartbreaking, it is possible to have joy and peace from God...not IN SPITE OF...but BECAUSE of the things we have gone through. This is something that has been on my heart recently. I was wondering if you could expound on your characters experiences with this.
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Rachel: Such a powerful message! THANK YOU! For writing real and writing from your heart. I am so glad our paths crossed. Thank you so much for joining us today Erica! I am thrilled I got to chat with you! Brownie time?
Erica: Thank you for hosting me!
Chat with us! Comment below and tell us, what UNIQUE book have YOU read recently???
About the Author
From as far back as she can remember, Erica Marie Hogan loved to write. When she was a little girl she adored make believe, but gradually her imagination became too big to restrict it to playtime and so, she wrote.
Erica was born and raised for nine years on Orient Point, Long Island, New York. After that she moved with her family to Virginia and, finally, to Texas where she now lives. She was homeschooled, is an avid reader, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She lives to plot new stories, enjoys a good tear-jerker, and chocolate is her cure for any ailment. Once a month Erica publishes a post on her blog, By the Book: Diary of a Bookaholic, where she shares her experiences with writing and, occasionally, a book review. She is represented by Jim Hart of Hartline Literary Agency.
At twenty-five-years-old Erica’s wish is to continue to write stories that not only drop her readers into the middle of historical time periods, but also to show the ability to rise up out of adversity and tragedy in hope, faith, love, and strength. When it comes to genre, she has no limits.
Erica has graciously provided a PRINT copy of The Lost Generation for giveaway. Please enter via the Rafflecopter form below. Open to U.S. Only. Please see Policies & Disclosures for more information. Void where prohibited.