Alice fell down a hole.
Wendy flew to Neverland.
Kamryn? She tripped down the stairs.
Now, Kamryn Kensington finds herself in a strange new world. Within minutes of her arrival, she dodges an archer’s arrow and avoids getting sliced up by a cosplay reject holding a dagger to her throat. And that’s before the storyteller’s breath brings stories to life.
Home is the mission—to return to her family and pursue her life’s dream of art and travel. Yet the longer she’s in the Land of Ur, the harder it is not to feel for the people she meets. Even her artistic side can’t help but breathe in the beautiful wonder and magic of this new world. So when the Oracle hands her a different quest, she takes it on the condition he sends her home afterward.
No one thought to warn her of a jealous queen and her dragon minions. Or that, by helping her, the cute storyteller would go crazy. Or that her heart would rip in two when she left. Those would’ve been great facts to know ahead of time.
Considering that nothing in Ur is what it seems, the mission proves to be more than she ever imagined. But more than her own future will be in jeopardy if Kamryn doesn’t succeed.
to Bookworm Mama, Desiree! I am so honored to have you here today!
did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?
Desiree: I
have always been a daydreamer, dreaming up new adventures and
places to go. When I was younger I’d always get caught with my
head in the clouds, giggling over the things happening in my story
world. It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized I could
put those dreams down on paper.
Rachel: Sounds like you and Anne are kindred spirits! I daydream about OTHER people's fictional characters...that's normal right?
did you KNOW that you wanted to be an author?
Desiree: Shortly
after the daydream about my first book, Heart Song, is when the
light bulb moment occurred. I started digging into all the “What
ifs” of the story, just having fun building it into something
beyond a story in my head. One day, a small whisper came from
inside of me to put the story to paper and turn the daydream into a
full novel. Granted, at the time I had no idea how far I would go
with it, but that was the moment I knew I wanted something more out
of the adventures rolling around in my head.
Rachel: Eeee! I love when dreams become reality! This is so encouraging!
literary character is most like you?
Desiree: From
Illusionary, I’d have to say Reese is the most like me. There are
several internal demons that he faces which are the same things I
face within myself. Thought of self-doubt and the desire to escape
from reality. And of course, there is great power in overcoming
those things. 😊
Rachel: I think there is something powerful in writing about characters that reflect yourself.
were your goals and intentions in this book?
Desiree: The
biggest thing, or feeling, I wanted for readers was to have them
walk away more encouraged about themselves and the dreams they have
for their futures. Life is hard, terrifying, and at times,
agonizing. But it can also be beautiful and full of joy and
adventures. Most of the time, our own negativity acts as a chain
that binds us, stopping us from fulfilling our greater purpose. But
the good moments far outweigh the bad. And that’s something I
pray readers walk away with.
Rachel: I LOVE THIS! So important to remember that the bad times don't last forever. And to see the beauty that can come through the pain and sorrow.
Desiree: I
can’t say there’s been just one author who impacted me as the
entire writing community inspired me to be better focused on my
career dreams. When I first started pursuing indie publishing, I
did take a few courses with seasoned indies Heather Hildenbrand and
S.M. Boyce, to get my feet wet so to speak. But after attending
writer conferences the past few years (Utopia, Realm Makers, etc) I
received so much inspiration to dig deeper into my stories and find
a work-life balance that works for me. And of course, I’ve made
friends along the way who’ve been great champions in cheering me
on. Although a few resources that I love (at this point in life)
are 5 Secrets of Story Structure by K.M. Weiland and Hack Your Reader’s Brain by Jeff Gerke. I also enjoy the Creative Penn’s
Rachel: It really takes a tribe. Even as a blogger, I would never have become as involved or gotten as connected if not for the bookish community. I LOVE bookish people!
secret talents do you have?

Rachel: Creating worlds is a FABULOUS superpower to have! I mean, where would we be without authors? Bored...that's where...Haha!
Desiree: Next
on my TBR list is Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. This was recommended
to me, and I haven’t gotten into it to determine whether I like
it or not. But that’s why it’s up next. I must obey my reader
friends. LOL.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Desiree: Um
... I’m pretty boring, so nothing too unusual. But I do like to
stretch for a good 5 or so minutes before and after writing
sessions. It warms up my body and gets the blood pumping to my
Rachel: Hey I think that is a good idea!
writing advice do you have for pre-published authors?
Desiree: Never
talk yourself into giving up. The publishing industry is hard,
writing as a career is hard. You are putting pieces of your heart
out into the world to be judged and criticized and to possibly be a
blip in a large sea of books. Now while good, constructive
criticism is great, the negative kind can pierce your soul. You
must understand your “why” behind your desire to pursue
publishing and getting your story out into the world. And never let
anyone (even yourself) tell you that you aren’t worth it because
you are.
Rachel: Oh! This is so good! YEEEES!!!! All the YEEEEEEESES!!!!!
Before we go, can you tell us what
is up next for you?
Desiree: I’m
laying the groundwork for a new sci-fi/ romance trilogy. Each book
in the trilogy will focus on a different couple and location all
gearing up to save the planet of Irredecca who is facing
annihilation through biological warfare. 😃 Oh, my creative brain
is having such a fun time with this one too. New species and
planets. Not to mention the technology fun that’s being woven in.
Rachel: Ah! I love this! I can't wait!
you so much for joining us Desiree!!! I loved getting to know more about you and your books today!
Desiree: Thanks
so much for having me! I loved the visit and am honored to be here. 💗 Blessings!
Desiree Williams is a dreamer by day and chocoholic by night. She lives in the beautiful state of Kentucky with her husband and daughter, where she juggles life as a wannabe supermom. Desiree is a lover of food and avoider of dirty dishes. She delights in making people laugh and strives to bring hope and love with her wherever she goes.
You can find out more about Desiree and her books at
Desiree has graciously offered to give away the following prizes (giveaway image attached in email): a “Make everyday an adventure” pillow, “Don’t Grow Up! It’s a Trap!” metal sign, book cozy, signed paperback of Illusionary, notebook with pens, sketchbook with colored pencils, and a “Eat Cake for Breakfast” travel cup.
Enter via the Rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner of the grand prize giveaway will be selected on Monday, June 12th at approx. 9 AM (EST). The winner will be announced on Desiree's Facebook and Twitter pages.
Winner of the grand prize giveaway will be selected on Monday, June 12th at approx. 9 AM (EST). The winner will be announced on Desiree's Facebook and Twitter pages.