
First Line Friday - Hereafter

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy November!!!

How the heck is it already November? Only TWO months left in this DECADE! AHHH!!!! And you know what that means right? It's time to start thinking about CHRISTMAS! I just spent a few *minutes* perusing Pinterest for Advent ideas for the kids this year...I'm not ready! But...I digress...Today I am sharing the first line from my current read which is book THREE of Jody Hedlund's new Young Adult series. That cover though....😍😍😍😍

Today’s first line is from...

Jody Hedlund

I brushed my hand over the crushed grass and examined the nearly invisible footprint beneath.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to see how this story ends!

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Diamond in the Rough - American Heiresses Book 2 - Jen Turano

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Rating
★★★★★ - You have bewitched me, body and soul. (More Info)

About the Book
When Miss Poppy Garrison accepts her grandmother's offer of financial help for her family in exchange for Poppy joining the New York social season, she quickly realizes she is far less equipped to mingle with the New York Four Hundred than even she knew. As she becomes embroiled in one hilarious fiasco after another, becoming the diamond of the first water her grandmother longs her to be looks more impossible by the day.

Reginald Blackburn, second son of a duke, is in New York to help his cousin find an American heiress who can help save his family's estate. But when his very proper British manners lead Poppy's grandmother to request he teach etiquette to Poppy, he quickly finds himself in for much more than he bargained for.

And while they couldn't be more opposite, Reginald and Poppy just might find they have more to teach each other than they ever could have expected. (from Goodreads)

My Thoughts

This is hands down my favorite book of Jen's to-date! (Is anyone keeping track of how many times I've said that?) Characters both charming and despicable...Predicaments both humorous and daring. 

As the story weaves around Miss Poppy and her attempts at making a smooth transition into society...She gains an unwitting tutor in a very *ahem* dashing Englishman. While Reginald exhausts all avenues available to him to make Poppy a "Diamond of the first water" he conceals his true identity from Poppy.

I have never laughed so much! I kept waking up my husband from all my giggling! Jen Turano has such a unique voice and weaves a beautiful story with thrilling dynamics and a sweet romance.

And don't forget book 1 of this series, Flights of Fancy, I promise I read it...But my review is elsewhere in the bookish land, however, and not on my blog. 😉

I received a complimentary copy of Diamond in the Rough from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Coming Soon!!!

About the Author

Jen Turano, author of nine books and two novellas, is a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in clothing and textiles. She is a member of ACFW and lives in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Visit her website at

More Books by Jen Turano on Bookworm Mama

Top Ten Tuesday - "Spooky" Reads I LOVE!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Welcome to today's Halloween Freebie of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. I don't tend to lean towards spooky stories, but there are a few that I absolutely adore! And while some may argue that these aren't all that spooky...These stories certainly kept me on the edge of my seat and my eyes glued to the page.

Cover Reveal & GIVEAWAY - Waltz in the Wilderness by Kathleen Denly

Friday, October 25, 2019

I’m so excited to bring you the cover reveal for Waltz in the Wilderness by Kathleen Denly!

About the Book

Title: Waltz in the Wilderness
Series: Chaparral Hearts
Genre: Historical Christian Romance
Length: 328 pages
Publisher: Wild Heart Books
Release Date: Feb. 4, 2020

She's desperate to find her missing father. His conscience demands he risk all to help.

Eliza Brooks is haunted by her role in her mother's death, so she'll do anything to find her missing pa—even if it means sneaking aboard a southbound ship. When those meant to protect her abandon and betray her instead, a family friend's unexpected assistance is a blessing she can't refuse.

Daniel Clarke came to California to make his fortune, and a stable job as a San Francisco carpenter has earned him more than most have scraped from the local goldfields. But it's been four years since he left Massachusetts and his fiancé is impatient for his return. Bound for home at last, Daniel Clarke finds his heart and plans challenged by a tenacious young woman with haunted eyes. Though every word he utters seems to offend her, he is determined to see her safely returned to her father. Even if that means risking his fragile engagement.

When disaster befalls them in the remote wilderness of the Southern California mountains, true feelings are revealed, and both must face heart-rending decisions. But how to decide when every choice before them leads to someone getting hurt?
About the Author

Kathleen Denly lives in sunny Southern California with her loving husband, four young children, and two cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories. When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, Kathleen spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting. 

Waltz in the Wilderness is Kathleen’s debut novel and the first in a series of three stand-alone historical Christian romance novels connected by secondary characters and their beautiful Southern California setting.

Kathleen would love it if you visited her website at You can also connect with her on social media: 

To see some of the photos that inspired Waltz in the Wilderness, follow her on Pinterest.


Preorder your copy today!

If you preorder Waltz in the Wilderness AND email Kathleen proof of purchase (screenshot) before 12:00am PT January 11, 2020, you will receive a free digital copy of Ribbons and Beaus, a Chaparral Hearts Novella on January 21, 2020! For complete details, click here.

Excerpt from Waltz in the Wilderness

October 1850
California goldfields

They were going to starve to death, if they didn’t freeze to death first. Sure, they had beans for dinner, but Eli had had to trade her spare shirt for them—the one she’d been wearing beneath her everyday shirt to keep the early-October frost from biting her skin. She shivered beside the fire. Not much left to trade for supper, but then, there wasn’t another miner in these diggings that had grub to spare even if she had something worth trading.

She studied each bean, careful not to burn a one. Her hollow stomach cramped as the sweet smell of the simmering meal mixed with the scent of wood smoke filling the air.

A pinch of rosemary would have added flavor. Would Mama have been disappointed Eli’d traded the last of their herbs for Pa’s new coat? She shook her head. If Eli couldn’t coax Pa from the creek, the least she could do was keep his shoulders warm. Mama would have understood.

A shift in the cold wind blew soot into Eli’s eyes as she lifted the pan from the fire. Brushing a grimy strand of hair from her face and blinking away the sting, she turned her back to the smoke and stirred the beans.

Time to get Pa.

She walked to where he squatted in the icy mountain creek.

He wouldn’t be happy she’d traded the spare shirt. He’d wanted it to hide her blossoming womanhood. Of course, he’d have to notice the shirt was gone first.

Standing beside the babbling water, she toed off her boots before yanking her tattered socks off. After stuffing them into a boot, she pulled up her trousers and, with a bracing breath, waded into the chilling water.

“Here, Pa.”

She held the spoon out handle first, but he shrugged her away. Afternoon sunlight bounced off his thin, greasy hair—brown like hers, but darkened by muck. His dirt-encrusted brown eyes continued squinting into the swirling pan of water. The gentle rotation of his wrists never ceased.

“Come on, Pa. You gotta eat.”

He cleared his throat and spat to the side opposite where she stood, never taking his eyes from the water. “I’m fine. You eat.”

Eli lifted the spoon higher. “But, Pa—”

“I’ll eat later.” He shifted in the calf-deep water so that her worried stare landed squarely between his broad shoulder blades.

Her fingers tightened around the spoon as she planted her fist on her hip. The rocks shifted beneath her feet. “That’s what you said this morning.”

“I’m busy, Eli. Now hush and leave me be.”

She stood there a moment longer, taking in the sight of him. That tall, too-thin frame draped in the now too-large, threadbare shirt. She’d mended that thing more times than she could count. The trousers he kept up with a rope at his waist needed mending in the right knee, but she doubted the fabric could endure another stitching. She peered down at her own trousers. The worn threads of the cuffs drifted and tugged with the current.

She frowned at the beans cooling in the pan. A body shouldn’t have to choose between clothes and food. But miners upstream caught any fish in the creek, and hunting around here was pointless. All the digging, rattling, and mining commotion scared the game away.

She’d tried to coax Pa to leave their claim long enough to hunt elsewhere to no avail.

Mama could’ve convinced him.

Mama isn’t here. Eli straightened her shoulders. “Pa, this is the last—”

“Hey, Eli!” The familiar voice cut her off.

She turned in time to see a small rock sail toward her head and managed to duck it, but the move upset her balance. She tipped backward.

The beans!

Contorting herself to right her balance without spilling their dinner, she wobbled back and forth as stones rocked beneath her. She shifted her footing, but the sloped face of a large, moss-covered rock hastened her descent. Holding the pan aloft as she fell backward, her body tilted sideways and she overcorrected—

Sending the beans spilling down her shirt and into the creek.

For a moment she sat still, the chill of the icy mountain runoff failing to cool her blood as gales of boyish laughter drifted toward her from the bank. She erupted from the creek, wielding her now-empty pan above her head. “Morgan Channing, I’m gonna have your hide for this!”

She sloshed three full steps to the edge of the creek before she froze.

The eleven-year-old had stopped laughing and was staring at her, mouth hanging open, eyes wide. “Y-you…! Y-you’re a…a…”

Eli followed his gaze to her chest, where a few beans still clung to her drenched, oversized shirt. She dropped the pan and covered herself. Oh, how brainless of her! Would Pa send her away?
Available now for preorder!


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away a “Trust in the Lord” Journal & 80+ Journal Stickers Set, along with a $10 Amazon gift card. Be sure to comment on the blogs listed below for extra entries into the giveaway. 

Blog Stops
Don't forget to share this giveaway with your friends!

First Line Friday - Goblet of Fire

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happy Friday!

Eeeeep!!!!! It's HERE!!! The latest installment of the Illustrated Harry Potter is HERE!!!
Fall always makes me long for a mug of Butterbeer, Quidditch, and a little bit of magic. So here is the first line...

The Riddle House
The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it 'the Riddle House',
even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there.

Head over to Hoarding Books to link up with your own FLF post! (Please keep it family 
friendly...Or note otherwise in the link up)

Top Ten Tuesday - Titles That Piqued My Interest

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, this week I took my own twist on the topic...Here are a few books that have grabbed my attention and that I'm longing to read. Most of these titles have shown up recently in our book club choices and I just want to read them all! Ahhh! I have, actually, read ONE of these titles...Have you read any of these? Do you recommend any of these titles?

First Line Fridays - Aiming for Love

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy Friday!

Who loves Mary Connealy??? ✋✋✋ I'm so stoked about this new series! 

Happy Reading!

Today’s first line is from...

Aiming for Love
Mary Connealy

October 1873
Hope Mountain
Near Bucksnort, Colorado, Near Grizzly Peak, Colorado

Josephine Nordegren floated through the woodland silent as a ghost.

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Top Ten Tuesday - Extraordinary Book Titles

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl this week's topic is Extraordinary Book Titles (submitted by Elise @ A Book and a Cup). I've compiled a list of titles that I think are quite brilliant. If you haven't read these titles, click on the book cover to learn more!

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