A classic fairy tale, re-imagined like you would never believe! Experience the story of Rapunzel through new eyes.
Rapunzel is an accomplished artist and can throw a dagger better than anyone, however, she longs to learn how to read. When yet another young man proposes marriage to Rapunzel, Mother Gothel whisks them away to the city of Hagenheim. And her dream of learning to read might actually become a reality. When the handsome knight, Sir Gerek, saves them on the road, her opportunity to learn may be here at last! But Rapunzel has been brought up to fear everyone and everything in life. Especially men, claiming that none can be trusted. Despite this fact, Sir Gerek agrees to teach Rapunzel to read. As the story unfolds, truths are revealed, and everything Rapunzel has come to believe about herself changes. Will she find her "Happily Ever After?" Or will she allow fear to consume her as it does for so many.
The Golden Braid is not your typical "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" re-telling of this classic fairy tale. There are deep truths and weighty lessons that resonate deep within your soul. We have all faced fears.
Have we allowed fear blind us to the truth that our Heavenly Father is protecting us and guiding us? Sometimes bad things happen, and we may never know why. But as children of God we must trust that He knows what He is doing and that He will guide our path. Love is another powerful aspect of this story. That human love, no matter how deep and true, will never be able to satisfy like God's love. While we need earthly love from our family and spouse, we must ultimately cling to the true love our Father love above all others. I had very high expectations for this book and Melanie Dickerson blew them all out of the water! I can not believe I have not read her books before now. I am thrilled to have found her books and am eagerly anticipating reading her next book: A Spy's Devotion.
I received a free digital copy of The Golden Braid from Thomas Nelson Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
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Amazon - #1 in Teen & Young Adult Christian Historical Fiction

Also by Melanie Dickerson:
The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest (Medieval Fairy Tale Romance Book 1)

Danger and romance lie deep in the heart of Thornbeck Forest. Where a poacher's only desire is to feed the poor. The forester determined to catch the poacher. And a margrave who holds the future of all in his hands. Read full review.
A Spy's Devotion (Regency Spies of London Book 1) - Coming February 9, 2016

The Silent Songbird (Hagenheim Book 7) - Coming November 2016