
Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Worlds

Monday, May 28, 2018

Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself..."Man, I would LOVE to visit this world!" These worlds that authors create for their imaginary friends are incredible. Full of detail, new things to discover, new dangers, and even new abilities that don't exist in our world. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) is all about the Bookwish Worlds we would love to (Or NOT) travel to. In no particular order...

Middle Earth (specifically The Shire)

New Beijing - Don't take me to Luna...I may have a panic attack...

Narnia...Post White Witch while Peter is the High King!

The Wizarding World - Post Voldemort's defeat.

Hearts - The kingdom...prior to the Queen ascending the throne.

Alternate Past - WWI - Clankers vs. Darwinists

The Reflections - Only the good normal ones though...

Now, just because I don't want to visit these worlds, doesn't mean I like the STORIES any less. But the thought of traveling to any one of these worlds is not exactly a good feeling...


Illéa and the rest of the world...

Kingdom of Norta and all the rest of the countries...

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